Sunday, March 14, 2010

Week 7 R685 Connectivism and participatory learning

This week's class chat involved role playing several of the authors in the week's readings. I was assigned to be Nicholas Carr who wrote an article questioning whether the ease of access and ease of use of search devices like Google were degrading our learning. He was concerned about superficial learning and talked about the importance of time to reflect versus power browsing where learners just skimmed material.

I realize there needs to be a balance between the two and the exceptional functionality of Web's capability to open up knowledge sources is quite profound, but I was struck by this idea of superficial learning mirrored behaviors I had seen in my corporate world. Terms like "keep it simple, don't worry about the details, just get it done...." troubled me in that their tone was similar to those that worried Carr.

I'm not sure where I stand on this question right now. Connectivisim is here to stay and can make substantial inroads to learning. I think what will happen is that society will learn how to use these capabilities, to gather information, store it rapidly but we will still circle back to it to think.

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